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Tuition and Fees

Find the tuition rates for the current academic year.


Tuition rates are per unit and in USD unless otherwise noted. All costs are subject to change.


Student Fees

Tuition rates are set by the board of trustees. Students should anticipate increases in tuition and fees, just as they anticipate that their living expenses will increase over the period in which they are enrolled at Alliant; therefore, the actual cost of the program may be higher than the amounts listed in this catalog. The actual cost of tuition may vary, based on schedule, full-time or part-time enrollment status, transfer credit, failure of courses, or if a student chooses to take courses beyond the basic program curriculum, and/or similar circumstances.

Alliant reserves the right to increase tuition and fees and to set new fees without prior notice. Any changes may be made applicable to students already enrolled in the university, but will not be retroactive for any coursework already completed.

For questions regarding tuition, fees, other expenses and/or payment methods, students should contact Student Finance at


2025 Calendar Year


Undergraduate Tuition

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Bachelor of Science in Nursing $581 $581
All other undergraduate programs $629 $629



Graduate Tuition (On-Campus)

California School of Professional Psychology

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Clinical Psychology $1,429 $1,429
Clinical Counseling $820 $820
Marital and Family Therapy PsyD/PhD (excluding Virt) $1,389 $1,389
Marital and Family Therapy MA (excluding Virt) $1,389 $1,389
Organizational Psychology PhD (exluding Virt) $1,359 $1,359
Organizational Psychology MA (exluding Virt) $1,078 $1,078
Organizational Development $1,359 $1,359
Organizational Behavior - Fresno $1,051 $1,051


California School of Management and Leadership

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
MBA $822 $822
Data Analytics $822 $822
Healthcare Analytics (MS) $822 $822
Information Systems $822 $822
DBA On-Ground $1,306 $1,306
Leadership $1,306 $1,306
Executive MBA $787 $787


California School of Education

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
School Counseling (MAE, EDS) $848 $848
School Psychology (MAE, EDS) $848 $848
Educational Psychology (PsyD) $1,299 $1,299


School of Health Sciences

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing $882 $882
Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing - Prerequisites $85 $85


San Francisco Law School

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
JD $1,088 $1,088
JD, Visitor Rate $1,136 $1,136
JD, Zero unit (per course) $1,088 $1,088


All Programs

Class Audit Fee (Per Unit) $200



Graduate Tuition (Online)

California School of Professional Psychology

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Clinical Counseling $820 $820
Marital and Family Therapy PsyD/PhD $1,389 $1,389
Marital and Family Therapy MA $1,078 $1,078
Organizational Psychology PhD $1,359 $1,359
Organizational Psychology MA $1,078 $1,078
Psychopharmacology $1,078 $1,078
Social Work $793 $793


California School of Forensic Science

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Forensic Behavioral Science $815 $552
Forensic Science, Investigation & Technology $815 $552
Public Policy and Law PhD $815 $815


California School of Management and Leadership

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
MBA $822 $822
Data Analytics $822 $822
Healthcare Analytics $822 $822
Information Systems Technology $822 $822
DBA Online $1,057 $1,057


California School of Education

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
School Counseling (MAE, EDS) $848 $848
School Psychology (MAE, EDS) $848 $848
Education Specialist (MAE) $801 $801
Teaching (MAE) $801 $801
Educational Leadership & Management (EDD) $1,299 $1,299
Educational Psychology (PsyD) $1,299 $1,299
Teaching Credentials $801 $801


School of Health Sciences

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing - Prerequisites $85 $85
MSN Nursing Executive $495 $495


All Programs

Class Audit Fee (Per Unit) $200

Credentials and Certificates

California School of Professional Psychology

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
LGBT Human Services Certificate $1,389 $1,389


California School of Forensic Science

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies Advanced Practice Certificate $254 $254
Disaster Response and Emergency Management Advanced Practice Certificate $254 $254
Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology $254 $254
Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology with Assessment $254 $254
Fundamentals of Military and Veterans Psychology $254 $254
Fundamentals of Police Psychology $254 $254
Fundamentals of Police Psychology with Assessment $254 $254
Peer Counseling Advanced Practice Certificate $254 $254
Practical Situational Awareness Advanced Practice Certificate $254 $254
RESPOND-Law Enforcement Mental Health Team Advanced Practice Certificate $254 $254
Threat Assessment and Management Advanced Practice Certificate $254 $254
Forensic Linguistics Advanced Practice Certificate $815 $815
Forensic Victimology Advanced Practice Certificate $815 $815
Trial Consulting Advanced Practice Certificate $815 $815
Criminal Behavior Advanced Practice Certificate $815 $815


California School of Management and Leadership

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Certificate in Computer Networking $822 $822
Certificate in Cybersecurity $822 $822
Certificate in Data Analytics $822 $822
Certificate in Data Management $822 $822
Certificate in E-Business $822 $822
Certificate in Financial Management $822 $822
Certificate in Healthcare Analytics $822 $822
Certificate in Internet of Things $629 $629
Certificate in Technology $822 $822


California School of Education

Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
Teaching Credentials $801 $801
CLAD Certificate $288 $288
Bilingual Certificate $557 $557
Administrative Services Credential $535 $535


Program 24-Aug 25-Jan
CSPP, CSML, CSFS Standard - Full Time (per year) $283/unit $283/unit
CSPP, CSML, CSFS Standard - Half Time (per year) $476/unit $476/unit
Organizational Psychology Internship (9 units) $1,359/unit $1,359/unit
Educational Psychology & PPS Credential Internship (per semester) $340/unit $340/unit

Student Fees

Application Fee (Not including Clinical Psychology) $65
Application Fee (Clinical Psychology) $80
Bar Association Fee $40
Challenge Exam Fee $150
Class Audit Fee $200
Degree Conferral Fee $100
Diploma Reprinting Fee $55
Institutional Services Fee (Semester/Term) $130/65
Late Tuition Payment Fee $250
Subject Matter Review Fee $70
Materials & Assessment Fee $150
MFT Exam Prep Fee $150 (First two semesters only, MFT programs)
Reinstatement Fee $200
Returned Payment Fee $40
Student Government Association Fee (Semester/Term) $50/$25
Transcript Fee / Official $10
Transcript Fee / Unofficial $5
Transcript Fee Rush / Official $20
Transcript Fee Rush / Unofficial $10
Dissertation Extension Fee (Semester/Term) $1000/$500
Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam Fee $225
Time2Track Fee (Semester/Term) $20/10
Advanced Mentoring (CSOE only) $300
Advanced Clinical Supervision (CSOE only) $300
Examsoft/CJE Fee (Nursing Only) $79
Book Fee (BSN Only) $400
Book Fee (MSN-DE Only) $386
iPad Fee (Nursing Only) $175
Nurse Think Budle Fee (Nursing Only) $111

Cost of Attendance for San Francisco, Irvine, and San Diego graduate

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees(Full time) $360 
Books $2,250
Personal Cost  
Housing $23,760
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal  $39,591



Cost of Attendance for Los Angeles, Fresno, Sacramento and Online

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees(Full time) $360 
Books* $2,250
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal  $36,108

* Nursing student books may be different for the bachelor program trimester 3-8 and graduate programs 1-6
Review the additional cost for books and supplies.                        


Cost of Attendance for Phoenix

BS Nursing General Education Courses

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees $310
Books $938
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal  $34,746


BS Nursing Core Courses

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees $1040
Books $800
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal  $35,338


MS Nursing

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees $1040
Books $772 
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal  $35,310



Cost of Attendance for San Diego Undergraduate

  Off Campus With Parents
Tuition (Fulltime) Varies by program and units taken Varies by program and units taken
Fees $360 $360
Books $1,062  $1,062 
Personal Costs    
Housing $14,793  $0
Food $7,353  $11,493 
Transportation $1,962  $1,791 
Miscellaneous $4,968  $4,968 
Loan Fees  Varies by loan amount borrowed Varies by loan amount borrowed
Total Cost of Attendance $30,498  $19,674 



Additional Cost by Programs

Teacher Education RICA- one time 171
  BSR - one time 90
  CSETS - one time 247
  edTPA - one time 300
Pupil Personnel Service PRAXIS - one time 150
Administrative Service CalAPA - one time 425
CTEL leading to CLAD CSETS - one time 247
  BSR - one time 90
All credential  programs Credential Application - one time 50
CSML No additional Cost  
Law School    
Law School Bar Exam - last semester 850
  Bar Association fee - per semester 40
CSFS No additional Cost  
Clinical Psychology T2T - per semester 20
  Internship Interview Cost - Year prior to  expected internship 5000
Clinical Counseling CPCE exit - Janurary term 2nd year 150
  APCC/LPCC BBS License app - May/July term 2nd year 150
  Background Check - January term 1st year 150
MFT T2T - Each semester/term 20/semester & 10/term
  Prep Exam Program - 1st & 2nd semester 150/each
Dissertation Extension Courses Dissertation Extension Fee after Semester 2 or Session 4 500/term & 1000/semester
Nursing Additional institutional fees  
BSN Examsoft/CJE -  Trimester 3-8 79
  IPAD - Trimester 3-8 175
  Nurse Think Bundle - Trimester 3-8 111
  *Books - Each Trimester after General Education Trimesters 400
MSN-DE Examsoft/CJE - Trimester 1-6 79
  IPAD - Trimester 1-6 175
  Nurse Think Bundle - Trimester 1-6 111
  Books - Trimester 1-6 386

2024 Calendar Year


Undergraduate Tuition

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Bachelor of Science in Nursing $567 $581
All other undergraduate programs $614 $629



Graduate Tuition (On-Campus)

California School of Professional Psychology

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Clinical Psychology $1,394 $1,429
Clinical Counseling $800 $820
Marital and Family Therapy PsyD/PhD (excluding Virt) $1,355 $1,389
Marital and Family Therapy MA (excluding Virt) $1,355 $1,389
Organizational Psychology PhD (exluding Virt) $1,326 $1,359
Organizational Psychology MA (exluding Virt) $1,052 $1,078
Organizational Development $1,326 $1,359
Organizational Behavior - Fresno $1,025 $1,051


California School of Management and Leadership

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
MBA $802 $822
Data Analytics $802 $822
Healthcare Analytics (MS) $802 $822
Information Systems $802 $822
DBA On-Ground $1,274 $1,306
Leadership $1,274 $1,306
Executive MBA $768 $787


California School of Education

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
School Counseling (MAE, EDS) $827 $848
School Psychology (MAE, EDS) $827 $848
Educational Psychology (PsyD) $1,267 $1,299


School of Health Sciences

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing $860 $882
Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing - Prerequisites $83 $85


San Francisco Law School

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
JD $1,061 $1,088
JD, Visitor Rate $1,108 $1,136
JD, Zero unit (per course) $1,061 $1,088


All Programs

Class Audit Fee (Per Unit) $200



Graduate Tuition (Online)

California School of Professional Psychology

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Clinical Counseling $800 $820
Marital and Family Therapy PsyD/PhD $1,355 $1,389
Marital and Family Therapy MA $1,052 $1,078
Organizational Psychology PhD $1,326 $1,359
Organizational Psychology MA $1,052 $1,078
Psychopharmacology $1,052 $1,078
Social Work $774 $793


California School of Forensic Science

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Forensic Behavioral Science $795 $815
Public Policy and Law PhD $795 $815


California School of Management and Leadership

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
MBA $802 $822
Data Analytics $802 $822
Healthcare Analytics $802 $822
Information Systems Technology $802 $822
DBA Online $1,031 $1,057


California School of Education

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
School Counseling (MAE, EDS) $827 $848
School Psychology (MAE, EDS) $827 $848
Education Specialist (MAE) $781 $801
Teaching (MAE) $781 $801
Educational Leadership & Management (EDD) $1,267 $1,299
Educational Psychology (PsyD) $1,267 $1,299
Teaching Credentials $781 $801


School of Health Sciences

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing - Prerequisites $83 $85
MSN Nursing Executive $495 $495


All Programs

Class Audit Fee (Per Unit) $200

Credentials and Certificates

California School of Professional Psychology

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
LGBT Human Services Certificate $1,355 $1,389


California School of Forensic Science

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies Advanced Practice Certificate $248 $254
Disaster Response and Emergency Management Advanced Practice Certificate $248 $254
Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology $248 $254
Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology with Assessment $248 $254
Fundamentals of Military and Veterans Psychology $248 $254
Fundamentals of Police Psychology $248 $254
Fundamentals of Police Psychology with Assessment $248 $254
Peer Counseling Advanced Practice Certificate $248 $254
Practical Situational Awareness Advanced Practice Certificate $248 $254
RESPOND-Law Enforcement Mental Health Team Advanced Practice Certificate $248 $254
Threat Assessment and Management Advanced Practice Certificate $248 $254
Forensic Linguistics Advanced Practice Certificate $795 $815
Forensic Victimology Advanced Practice Certificate $795 $815
Trial Consulting Advanced Practice Certificate $795 $815
Criminal Behavior Advanced Practice Certificate $795 $815


California School of Management and Leadership

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Certificate in Computer Networking $614 $822
Certificate in Cybersecurity $802 $822
Certificate in Data Analytics $802 $822
Certificate in Data Management $802 $822
Certificate in E-Business $802 $822
Certificate in Financial Management $802 $822
Certificate in Healthcare Analytics $802 $822
Certificate in Internet of Things $614 $629
Certificate in Technology $802 $822


California School of Education

Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
Teaching Credentials $781 $801
CLAD Certificate $281 $288
Bilingual Certificate $543 $557
Administrative Services Credential $522 $535


Program 24-Jan 24-Aug
CSPP, CSML, CSFS Standard - Full Time (per year) $276/unit $283/unit
CSPP, CSML, CSFS Standard - Half Time (per year) $464/unit $476/unit
Organizational Psychology Internship (9 units) $1,326/unit $1,359/unit
Educational Psychology & PPS Credential Internship (per semester) $332/unit $340/unit

Student Fees

Application Fee (Not including Clinical Psychology) $65
Application Fee (Clinical Psychology) $80
Bar Association Fee $40
Challenge Exam Fee $150
Class Audit Fee $200
Degree Conferral Fee $100
Diploma Reprinting Fee $55
Institutional Services Fee (Semester/Term) $130/65
Late Tuition Payment Fee $250
Subject Matter Review Fee $70
Materials & Assessment Fee $150
MFT Exam Prep Fee $150 (First two semesters only, MFT programs)
Reinstatement Fee $200
Returned Payment Fee $40
Student Government Association Fee (Semester/Term) $50/$25
Transcript Fee / Official $10
Transcript Fee / Unofficial $5
Transcript Fee Rush / Official $20
Transcript Fee Rush / Unofficial $10
Dissertation Extension Fee (Semester/Term) $1000/$500
Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam Fee $225
Time2Track Fee (Semester/Term) $20/10
Advanced Mentoring (CSOE only) $300
Advanced Clinical Supervision (CSOE only) $300
Examsoft/CJE Fee (Nursing Only) $79
Book Fee (BSN Only) $400
Book Fee (MSN-DE Only) $386
iPad Fee (Nursing Only) $175
Nurse Think Budle Fee (Nursing Only) $111

Cost of Attendance for San Francisco, Irvine, and San Diego graduate

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees(Full time) $360 
Books $2,250
Personal Cost  
Housing $23,760
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal  $39,591



Cost of Attendance for Los Angeles, Fresno, Sacramento and Online

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees(Full time) $360 
Books* $2,250
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal 


* Nursing student books may be different for the bachelor program trimester 3-8 and graduate programs 1-6

Review the additional cost for books and supplies.                        



Cost of Attendance for Phoenix

BS Nursing General Education Courses

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees $310
Books $938
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal 



BS Nursing Core Courses

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees $1040
Books $800
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal 



MS Nursing

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees $1040
Books $772 
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,968
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal 




Cost of Attendance for San Diego Undergraduate

  Off Campus With Parents
Tuition (Fulltime) Varies by program and units taken Varies by program and units taken
Fees $360 $360
Books $1,062  $1,062 
Personal Costs    
Housing $14,793  $0
Food $7,353  $11,493 
Transportation $1,962  $1,791 
Miscellaneous $4,968  $4,968 
Loan Fees  Varies by loan amount borrowed Varies by loan amount borrowed
Total Cost of Attendance $30,498  $19,674 



Additional Cost by Programs



Teacher Education

RICA- one time



BSR - one time



CSETS - one time



edTPA - one time


Pupil Personnel Service

PRAXIS - one time


Administrative Service

CalAPA - one time


CTEL leading to CLAD

CSETS - one time



BSR - one time



All credential  programs

Credential Application - one time




No additional Cost




Law School


Law School

Bar Exam - last semester



Bar Association fee - per semester




No additional Cost







Clinical Psychology

T2T - per semester



Internship Interview Cost - Year prior to  expected internship


Clinical Counseling

CPCE exit - Janurary term 2nd year



APCC/LPCC BBS License app - May/July term 2nd year



Background Check - January term 1st year



T2T - Each semester/term

20/semester & 10/term


Prep Exam Program - 1st & 2nd semester



Dissertation Extension Courses

Dissertation Extension Fee after Semester 2 or Session 4

500/term & 1000/semester



Additional institutional fees



Examsoft/CJE -  Trimester 3-8



IPAD - Trimester 3-8



Nurse Think Bundle - Trimester 3-8



*Books - Each Trimester after General Education Trimesters



Examsoft/CJE - Trimester 1-6



IPAD - Trimester 1-6



Nurse Think Bundle - Trimester 1-6



Books - Trimester 1-6





2023 Calendar Year


Undergraduate Tuition

Bachelor of Science in Nursing $567
All other undergraduate programs $588



Graduate Tuition (On-Campus)

California School of Professional Psychology

Clinical Psychology $1,298
Clinical Counseling $762
Marital and Family Therapy PsyD (excluding Virt) $1,298
Marital and Family Therapy MA (excluding Virt) $1,298
Organizational Psychology PhD (exluding Virt) $1,270
Organizational Psychology MA (exluding Virt) $1,008
Organizational Development $1,270
Organizational Behavior - Fresno $982
Organizational Behavior - SF $1,270


California School of Management and Leadership

MBA $768
Data Analytics $768
Healthcare Analytics (MS) $768
Information Systems $768
DBA On-Ground $1,220
Leadership $1,220


California School of Education

School Counseling (MAE, EDS) $792
School Psychology (MAE, EDS) $792
TESOL (MAE) $762
TESOL (EDD) $1,214
Educational Psychology (PsyD) $1,214


School of Health Sciences

Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing $860
Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing - Prerequisites $83


San Francisco Law School

JD $1,016
JD, Visitor Rate $1,061
JD, Zero unit (per course) $1,016


All Programs

Class Audit Fee (Per Unit) $200



Graduate Tuition (Online)

California School of Professional Psychology

Clinical Counseling $762
Marital and Family Therapy PsyD $1,298
Marital and Family Therapy MA $1,008
Organizational Psychology PhD $1,270
Organizational Psychology MA $1,008
Psychopharmacology $1,008
Organizational Behavior $1,008
Social Work $742


California School of Forensic Science

Forensic Behavioral Science $762
Forensic Leadership $762
Public Policy and Law PhD $762


California School of Management and Leadership

MBA $768
Data Analytics $768
Healthcare Analytics $768
Information Systems Technology $768
DBA Online $988


California School of Education

School Counseling (MAE, EDS) $792
School Psychology (MAE, EDS) $792
Education Specialist (MAE) $748
TESOL (MAE) $762
Teaching (MAE) $748
Educational Leadership & Management (EDD) $1,214
TESOL (EDD) $1,214
Educational Psychology (PsyD) $1,214
Teaching Credentials $748


School of Health Sciences

Direct Entry Masters of Science in Nursing - Prerequisites $83

All Programs

Class Audit Fee (Per Unit) $200

Credentials and Certificates

California School of Professional Psychology

LGBT Human Services Certificate $1,298


California School of Forensic Science

Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies Advanced Practice Certificate $238
Disaster Response and Emergency Management Advanced Practice Certificate $238
Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology $238
Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology with Assessment $238
Fundamentals of Military and Veterans Psychology $238
Fundamentals of Police Psychology $238
Fundamentals of Police Psychology with Assessment $238
Peer Counseling Advanced Practice Certificate $238
Practical Situational Awareness Advanced Practice Certificate $238
RESPOND-Law Enforcement Mental Health Team Advanced Practice Certificate $238
Threat Assessment and Management Advanced Practice Certificate $238
Forensic Linguistics Advanced Practice Certificate $762
Forensic Victimology Advanced Practice Certificate $762
Trial Consulting Advanced Practice Certificate $762
Criminal Behavior Advanced Practice Certificate $762


California School of Management and Leadership

Certificate in Computer Networking $588
Certificate in Cybersecurity $768
Certificate in Data Analytics $768
Certificate in Data Management $768
Certificate in E-Business $768
Certificate in Financial Management $768
Certificate in Healthcare Analytics $768
Certificate in Internet of Things $588
Certificate in Technology $768


California School of Education

Teaching Credentials $748
TESOL Certificate $762
CLAD Certificate $270
Bilingual Certificate $520
Administrative Services Credential $500


CSPP, CSML, CSFS Standard - Full Time (per year) $265/unit
CSPP, CSML, CSFS Standard - Half Time (per year) $445/unit
Organizational Psychology Internship (9 units) $1,270/unit
Educational Psychology & PPS Credential Internship (per semester) $318/unit

Student Fees

Application Fee (Not including Clinical Psychology) $65
Application Fee (Clinical Psychology) $80
Bar Association Fee $40
Challenge Exam Fee $150
Class Audit Fee $200
Degree Conferral Fee $100
Diploma Reprinting Fee $55
Institutional Services Fee (Semester/Term) $130/65
Late Tuition Payment Fee $250
License Verification Fee $60
Materials & Assessment Fee $150
MFT Exam Prep Fee $150 (First two semesters only, MFT programs)
Reinstatement Fee $200
Returned Payment Fee $40
Student Government Association Fee (Semester/Term) $50/$25
Transcript Fee / Official $10
Transcript Fee / Unofficial $5
Transcript Fee Rush / Official $20
Transcript Fee Rush / Unofficial $10
Dissertation Extension Fee $1000/semester
Payment Plan Administration Fee $50
Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam Fee $225
Time2Track Fee (Semester/Term) $20/10
Advanced Mentoring (CSOE only) $300
Advanced Clinical Supervision (CSOE only) $300
Examsoft/CJE Fee (Nursing Only) $79
Book Fee (BSN Only) $400
Book Fee (MSN-DE Only) $386
iPad Fee (Nursing Only) $175
Nurse Think Budle Fee (Nursing Only) $111

Cost of Attendance for San Francisco, Irvine, and San Diego graduate

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees(Full time) $360 
Books $2,250
Personal Cost  
Housing $23,760
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,725
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal  $39,348



Cost of Attendance for Los Angeles, Fresno, Sacramento, Phoenix and Online

Tuition Varies by program and units taken
Fees(Full time) $360 
Books* $2,250
Personal Cost  
Housing $17,667
Food $6,363
Transportation $4,500
Miscellaneous $4,725
Loan Fees Varies by amount borrowed
Total Personal 


* Nursing student books may be different for the bachelor program trimester 3-8 and graduate programs 1-6

Review the additional cost for books and supplies.                        



Cost of Attendance for San Diego Undergraduate

  Off Campus With Parents
Tuition (Fulltime) $14,112  $14,112 
Fees $360 $360
Books $938 $938
Personal Costs    
Housing $12,960 $0
Food $6,471 $10,125
Transportation $1,764 $1,611 
Miscellaneous $4,725  $4,725 
Loan Fees  Varies by loan amount borrowed Varies by loan amount borrowed
Total Cost of Attendance $41,330  $31,871 



Additional Cost by Programs



Teacher Education

RICA- one time



BSR - one time



CSETS - one time



edTPA - one time


Pupil Personnel Service

PRAXIS - one time


Administrative Service

CalAPA - one time


CTEL leading to CLAD

CSETS - one time



BSR - one time



All credential  programs

Credential Application - one time




No additional Cost




Law School


Law School

Bar Exam - last semester



Bar Association fee - per semester




No additional Cost







Clinical Psychology

T2T - per semester



Internship Interview Cost - Year prior to  expected internship


Clinical Counseling

CPCE exit - Janurary term 2nd year



APCC/LPCC BBS License app - May/July term 2nd year



Background Check - January term 1st year



T2T - Each semester/term

20/semester & 10/term


Prep Exam Program - 1st & 2nd semester



Dissertation Extension Courses

Dissertation Extension Fee after Semester 2 or Session 4

500/term & 1000/semester



Additional institutional fees



Examsoft/CJE -  Trimester 3-8



IPAD - Trimester 3-8



Nurse Think Bundle - Trimester 3-8



*Books - Each Trimester after General Education Trimesters



Examsoft/CJE - Trimester 1-6



IPAD - Trimester 1-6



Nurse Think Bundle - Trimester 1-6



Books - Trimester 1-6



Financial Aid and Scholarships

Explore ways to finance your education with options like scholarships, grants and loans.



Additional Information

For more information about our degree programs please review our academic catalog.



Alliant Admissions

Learn more about undergraduate, graduate, military, and international student admissions, plus admissions information for certificate and credential students.

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